Sunday, June 04, 2006


Only 9 more sleeps and I can't sleep!
I am SOOOOOOoooooooooooooooo excited!

I've packed and repacked my backpack 20 times.

I've weighed everything 100 times.

Now I can't wait to get on the plane!!

I am Soooooooo EXCITED!!


DG said...

Hello everyone! Thank you for leaving a comment & passage on my blog. It was very nice. I wish you well on your upcoming trip. Now, off to read your entire blog!

DG said...

How thoughtless of me to forget to say the following:

Buen Camino y Ultreya!

dg in Texas

Anonymous said...

Ann, Jean & Dot wish Syl, Val, Kathy, Rayna & Marion a safe & wonderful journey.

Anonymous said...

Hope today was easier than yesterday. God bless you all. Rosie

Anonymous said...

You Go Girls! We are proud of you. A million steps is "all" you have to do, to cheer-up a child or two.

All the pain is not in vein, as a lot of children stand to gain. Have a drink on us, as soon there will be X-mas "teddies" on the Homenet Bus.

A Zillion thanks for a Million Steps (x5).



Conrad de Swardt