Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Peter Robins posted this update on the Benevento-Monte Sant'Angelo. Details of the inaugural walk along the Cammino dell'Arcangelo on the AEVF site
http://www.associaz ioneviafrancigen asp?s=75& o=6725&c= 0

Pilgrim blessing at the beginning of each day, a simple meal at midday, and what's described as a "spettacolo musicale-teatrale- religioso" each evening organised by the locals. Sounds fun. I'm sure they'd be delighted to welcome people from outside Italy if anyone fancies going along. It seems the website will be www.camminodellarca - watch this space!

PS. The CAI's press release also confirms what Alberto was reporting: that they hope to open the rest of the route Rome-Benevento "in the near future".

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