Monday, November 30, 2009

Via Francigena in the South

Pictures and text from:


Go on a virtual journey along the roads of the South Francigene: the ancient ways and modern walking routes, the most interesting attractions, the most beautiful images can be easily located on the interactive map. Simultaneously activating the various channels you can correlate different geographic resources: for example, the attractions closer to the route you want to walk.
The ancient streets have been revisited by local associations to develop modern walks and cycling. Download road book.  Ancient Ways, Paths of pilgrimage,  Guide to the routes and road book.

Also, download "Rome-Jerusalem. Along the streets of South Francigene" in two pdf files.

Create your own guide:

Historical Centres, monasteries, monuments etc


Guide books for each stage, Google Earth maps of the trails are available for free download from this website; (Also Photo Galleries for each stage)/

From Gran San Bernardo to Ivrea

Stage: from Gran San Bernardo to Echevennoz - 14,9 km
Stage: from Echevennoz to Aosta - 13,6 km
Stage: from Aosta to Chatillon - 30,1 km
Stage: from Chatillon to Verres - 20,8 km
Stage: from Verres to Pont Saint Martin - 17,7 km
Stage: from Pont Saint Martin to Ivrea - 22,1 km

From Ivrea to Pavia

Stage: from Ivrea to Viverone - 21,7 km
Stage: from Viverone to Santhià - 16,1 km
Stage: from Santhià to Vercelli - 27,4 km
Stage: from Vercelli to Robbio - 19,7 km
Stage: from Robbio to Mortara - 14,3 km
Stage: from Mortara to Garlasco - 23,6 km
Stage: from Garlasco to Pavia - 25,9 km

From Pavia to Passo della Cisa

Stage: from Pavia to Santa Cristina - 28,5 km

Stage: from Santa Cristina to Orio Litta - 16,9 km
Stage: from Orio Litta to Piacenza - 17,5 km
Stage: from Piacenza to Fiorenzuola - 32,8 km
Stage: from Fiorenzuola to Fidenza - 22,6 km
Stage: from Fidenza to Fornovo - 34,2 km
Stage: from Fornovo to Cassio - 22,6 km
Stage: from Cassio to Passo della Cisa - 19,2 km

From Passo della Cisa to Siena

Stage: from Passo della Cisa to Pontremoli - 19,4 km
Stage: from Pontremoli to Aulla - 32,9 km
Stage: from Aulla to Avenza - 32,4 km
Stage: from Avenza to Pietrasanta - 27,8 km
Stage: from Pietrasanta to Lucca - 32,3 km
Stage: from Lucca to Altopascio - 17,8 km
Stage: from Altopascio to San Miniato - 23,5 km
Stage: from San Miniato to Gambassi Terme - 25,6 km
Stage: from Gambassi Terme to San Gimignano - 13,4 km
Stage: from San Gimignano to Monteriggioni - 29,8 km
Stage: from Monteriggioni to Siena - 20,5 km

From Siena to Roma

Stage: from Siena to Ponte D'Arbia - 28,5 km
Stage: from Ponte D'Arbia to S. Quirico d'Orcia - 27,4 km
Stage: from S. Quirico d'Orcia to Radicofani - 32,7 km
Stage: from Radicofani to Acquapendente - 31,8 km
Stage: from Acquapendente to Bolsena - 22,1 km
Stage: from Bolsena to Montefiascone - 18,3 km
Stage: from Montefiascone to Viterbo - 17,7 km
Stage: from Viterbo to Vetralla - 20,0 km
Stage: from Vetralla to Sutri - 22,5 km
Stage: from Sutri to Campagnano - 24,3 km
Stage: from Campagnano to La Storta - 24,4 km
Stage: from La Storta to Roma - 15,8 km

Associations on the ViaFrancigena in Italy

International VF Associations:

Italian volunteer organizations involved in the valorisation of the Via Francigena are more and more numerous and active.  The General Direction for Book Heritage, Cultural Institutes, and Copyright of the Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities has recently made a census of them, with aim to give visibility to their activities, to Establish a direct contact with the territory and to create a mutual information exchange. All the information collected is published in the following section, organized by area and equipped with an interactive map.

Gran San Bernardo (Montgenevre) - Rome stretch

•Association "Young Mountain"
Association of Young Mountain

The Association is not for profit and is based on the activity staff, spontaneous and free of the members. Currently the Young Mountain has 14 sections. "Activities for the enhancement and promotion of ViaFrancigena: "From the Alps to Rome, coming from the west and east, having as a point of convergence Modena. And 'This is the historical and spiritual journey that the young Mountain has run during the Jubilee of the century, precisely in the autumn of 1999, with the expectation that it remains as part of a traveler who is eager to dive into an experience, stripped and essential metaphor of the same path of life. It was chosen deliberately to create an entirely new way, different from both traditional medieval ViaFrancigena Sigerico frequently swallowed dall'asfalto and traffic, both by well marked, publicized and crowded routes crossing the Alps and the Apennines. He then attempted to drive an Italy "" child "," the Italy of old farm villages, rolling hills, mountains, unexplored artistic treasures more or less famous.The tour draws a great Y, which starts from two notes abbeys in northern Italy: that of Novalesa near Mont Cenis west (Branch A) and that of Aquileia in the east (Branch B).The two branches of the trail meet in Modena and then to Rome (Branch C).The branch is composed of 31 stages, 13 stages of the branch B, branch C of 28 stages.The latter is what is aligned more closely the historic Via Francigena."Tract Francigena on which the organization operates (from / to): After tracing the route in 1999, today the Young Mountain, through the section of Rome, is engaged primarily in the stretch Tuscan-Latium.Name: Young Mountain
Aims and activities of the organization
rom the ground state
Article 1 - E 'consists in Turin since 1914, the Association' YOUNG MOUNTAIN ', which aims to promote and encourage the practice and study of events both on mountain climbing and cultural, including editing periodical (magazine Alpine life) and other publications-cultural wilderness.
2 - The Association is apolitical and is inspired by Catholic principles without being part of sectarian organizations. In homage to these principles offers a view of mountaineering, as well as technical, rich in human and Christian values, ensuring that in its manifestations participants have the opportunity to observe religious duties and to find a morally healthy environment.
3 - The Association is not for profit and is based on the activity staff, spontaneous and free of the members. Currently the Young Mountain has 14 sections.
Activities for the enhancement and promotion of ViaFrancigena
From the Alps to Rome, coming from the west and east, having as a point of convergence Modena. And 'This is the historical and spiritual journey that the young Mountain has run during the Jubilee of the century, precisely in the autumn of 1999, with the expectation that it remains as part of a traveler who is eager to dive into an experience, stripped and essential metaphor of the same path of life. It was chosen deliberately to create an entirely new way, different from both traditional medieval ViaFrancigena Sigerico frequently swallowed dall'asfalto and traffic, both by well marked, publicized and crowded routes crossing the Alps and the Apennines. He then attempted to drive an Italy "" child "," the Italy of old farm villages, rolling hills, mountains, unexplored artistic treasures more or less famous.
The tour draws a great Y, which starts from two notes abbeys in northern Italy: that of Novalesa near Mont Cenis west (Branch A) and that of Aquileia in the east (Branch B). The two branches of the trail meet in Modena and then to Rome (Branch C). The branch is composed of 31 stages, 13 stages of the branch B, branch C in 28 stages. This is what follows more closely the historical ViaFrancigena.

Association Internationale ViaFrancigena (AIVF)
At the European tourism promotes the VF with a specific website since 1998 (now in 5 languages), with conferences, speeches in Europe. In 10 years, has informed the VF more than 3000 people in 4 languages. Since 2000 he has published (including 10 editions) Guide-Vademecum, Topofrancigena (geo cards with cultural and historical routes recommended) and Dormifrancigena (list of budget accommodation for pilgrims) for a pedestrian route of 2000km, with the cooperation of the most reliable and specific associations in Europe. Since 2001, the AIVF has created and provided the first credentials VF, the Testimonium (certificate of end pilgrimage), organized by the Vatican City, the reception and registration of pilgrims VF. Has produced 5 articles VF (pennants, pins with keys of St. Peter, T'shirt, coat of arms) to give VF its own identity, compared to Santiago.

Tract Francigena on which the organization operates
VF from Canterbury to Rome, since 2007 only Vallorbe-CH in Rome, Piedmont, Emilia Romagna, Tuscany and Lazio, with the collaboration of provincial police, and local associations. His commitment focuses on compliance, restoration of historic features or traces of VF, where they are safer for the traveler.

Association of Light Bridges
A path to peace: the way from Canterbury to Rome in the summer of 2008, advertised on the network on the site  and on other sites with the support of other associations. In this way joined several people who shared with Immaculate different stages. Also during the whole journey has been published an diary in real time by sending postcards daily and their dissemination on the Blog by the pilgrim Oriano Rinaldo (
After returning the photographs were made publice on the site. Year 2009 photo exposition to greet the world: pictures and texts of the way Canterbury-Rome have been prepared by professional photographer Mark Degli Esposti and with the help and collaboration of various associations present on Italian territory derivantene the exhibition was presented in various locations (Viserba of Rimini, Rome, Viterbo, Assisi, Orio Litta, Terranova dei Passerini, Rovetta, Vetralla Calolziocorte).
The inauguration was the first day of the paths that francigena Pontidiluce joined as a member of the Network of Way. During the various exposures Immaculate has lectured on prorpio experience and on the paths in general. It intends to continue carrying the show in other venues. In the summer of 2009: design, identification and travel the Way of the Goddess along Lake Bolsena and partly coincident with the ViaFrancigena Lazio. Again postcards daily on blogs have done to the disclosure of the experience

Italian Catholic Scout Movement (MALE)
With the involvement of our Community members, in the territory, we made the guide "ViaFrancigena" 1st ed. 2004, 2nd ed. 2007 with detailed coverage by the Great St. Bernard, Mont Cenis and Montgenevre in Rome. We create experiences of pilgrims walk the Via Francigena to live the experience of pilgrimage, make known the history, culture, art, faith, nature, territory and population present on the Way.
We drove up to now whether GSBernardo - Vercelli, Vercelli, Vercelli-Montgenevre-Wertheim. In the coming years we traits Wertheim-Lucca, Lucca-S.Antimo and S.Antimo-Roma. We realized on our own initiative or on request external meetings for the presentation of the VF. We gave our contribution to the Ass: European Inland Francigene. We are part of the working group "ViaFrancigena and ancient pilgrimage routes" of the CEI - Pastoral leisure, tourism and sports for the promotion and enhancement of the experience of the pilgrimage on foot

Piedmont stretch

•Friends of ViaFrancigena - Vercelli

- Guide to ViaFrancigena of Vercelli

- Projections of images of ViaFrancigena in neighboring countries and schools
- 3 Festival ViaFrancigena involving the people of Vercelli in conferences and in ways to promote ViaFrancigena
- Involvement of schools by creating contests and treasure hunts to discover the places francigena of Vercelli.
- Involvement of voluntary organizations working in charitable mission in Tanzania or working with handicapped members to highlight the values of which ViaFrancigena Solidarity Reception-Accept-Attention to the other, attention to the "foreigner".
- Construction of the hostel for pilgrims near the community of Father Alberto Biliemme.
- Organization of pilgrimages on foot which Vercelli-Lucca in 2009, Vercelli-Santiago de Compostela in 2008, Mont-Cenis-Vercelli in 2007, Gran San Bernardo-Vercelli in 2006.
Tract Francigena on which the organization operates
Santhià-Vercelli: Lamporo-Vercelli, Vercelli-Fitness

•The Association of ViaFrancigena Sigerico - Ivrea (TO)

Activities for the enhancement and promotion of ViaFrancigena

•Detection and mapping of the trail with G.P.S.
•Study of installation of road signs on behalf of Regione Piemonte, Provincia di Torino
•Evaluation of transactions security, passing ability and comfort for the execution of works relating to the LR4
•Support studies for various municipalities in order to upgrade the paths, parking areas equipped and construction of new hostels
•Cultural events, music and sports in general for the use and knowledge of the route
•Propaganda in the Schools of all levels at regional level and beyond, accompanying groups of students with the use of our volunteers
•Accompanying groups of various groups of pilgrims and interested individuals
•Signatures of the route with spray paint signs in the absence of definitive
•Excursions on whether the path is not within our competence to promote exchanges and understanding.

•Association Serra Morena - Ivrea (TO)
Tracing the route, construction of a meeting in Ivrea, organizing a photo exhibition of the entire route from Canterbury to Rome, accompanied by various groups and schools, information and dissemination, promotion of tourism packages for the ViaFrancigena with operators local tourism.

Emilia stretch

Association Transitum Padi - Piacenza
Collaboration with institutions, associations and institutions to promote the knowledge of Francigena, in this case the local press accounts of voyages and pilgrimages. Organization of cultural and social activities during the day nazionele paths francigena / 3 May 2009) Re-discovery, exploitation and signature of a stretch of Francigena alternative: the way posthumously by Castelsangiovanni Piacenza.

Circolo Culturale Biffulus - Calendasco (PC)
Crossing the Po Soprarivo Calendasco at Court of St. Andrew Senna Lodigiana and vice versa, at the motor boat at the disposal of the pilgrims continuously since 1998 phone call at 0523 771607.
Hospitality, catering and overnight on the premises of the pilgrim's Circle Biffulus and planted permanently in tents near the Po.
Stamping credentials and records of all the steps. Delivery of materials. Installation and maintenance of signs. Free access to the library of the club, rich in historical documentation local geography. Organizing the annual conference of pilgrims (Convenium Peregrinorum), with the presence of musicians and poets and the staging of plays originals. Symposia on topics historic religious ethics. Short local pilgrimage (Low Itinera). Celebration of holy mass.

Tuscany stretch

Association of Inland Francigene Tuscany - Pisa
Partnership and collaboration the event "vigils Francigena 2009, agreement with the municipalities of vald'orcia for resolving the critical path francigena, partnership and organizational support for the training seminar" Sustainable tourism and regional development: the ViaFrancigena as an opportunity for Tuscany "at Universita 'di Pisa, supporting maintenance, mapping, geotagging, monitoring the quality of the welcome and hospitality' on the stretch of Tuscan francigena; partnership in the event" rally excursion International ViaFrancigena "collaboration with local authorities to resolve Criticality 'of the track; Atvf is made up of associations and other bodies operating at Tuscany "ass.cult.Attuttambiente", "Old Mint foundation of Lucca", "coop nature tourism", "Etruria trekking, CAI (Club Alpino Italian) Tuscany, communities' mountainous Garfagnana, "Sesame communication", "fitetrec ante Tuscany", "theater of agriculture, the town of Monteriggioni, the town of altopascio, City of castelfiorentino. members are also pilgrims and activities along the route that have services to the pilgrims. Municipalities and public bodies are honorary member

The Pilgrim community Tuscany - Florence
Our Association has done and is doing many activities on Francigena in Tuscany as assistance to the pilgrims, the distribution of credentials, route information, service, opening of two churches on the route. The work of far more important is the creation of a Web GIS francigena track of all historical information, logistics and location, and also the identification of other cartographic 7 historic streets of Tuscany, linked to Francigena. All this will be published during the month of November Minutes The association is sponsoring NETWORK OF ROADS to collaborate with other Italian associations to achieve the common objectives including the completion of the historic streets to the borders of the state.

Cooperativa Sociale Colors - Empoli
Social cooperative COLORS - Empoli  E-mail:  Website:
Aims and activities of the organization..
The cooperative social COLORS aims to pursue the general interest of the community to promote human and social integration of citizens. From here two particular challenges of those working, employee or volunteer, in a cooperative society. Failure to pursue the private interest of an individual or group but the general interest of collective Dall 'experience of management services for government agencies concerned that summer holidays for disabled people, drug addicts and their parents, were added over the years new policy areas: home care, the project Barzini, for young people with drug problems, plan to live together, day centers, sports activities, after us, preformation professional activities, social tourism for the disabled, school tourism, trekking along the Via Francigena signs ViaFrancigena management.
For 15 years, organized the event and a cultural hiking recipes ALONG THE ROAD IN TUSCANY FRANCIGENA, an event created in 1994 along the Via Francigena in Valdelsa and we always organized. This event always sees the cultural hiking participance of 350/400 people who participate in three days always planned, the first Friday, Saturday and Sunday in October. In these 15 years of programming have made known to some 6000 people who participated in the wonderful land that is crossed by the Via Francigena in Tuscany.
In 2007, we activated the education project, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, the Review Trekking and the Professional Institute of Enriques Castelfiorentino called "In the Footsteps of ... Sigerico" project which sees schools join the program to walk along the Via Francigena in Val d'Elsa Florentine and Sienese. Since many years we cooperate with our Province of Florence under the environmental education project "walk in the green," with which more than 2500 school children in the province who subscribe to walk and develop teaching on the VF.
This year with a group of children with disabilities of our cooperative, we placed 500 directional signs along the Via Francigena, first in Europe to be in Monteriggioni Castelfiorentino pe run of about 80 Km Many have been all these years since 1992 the projects and actions made in favor of ViaFrancigena, the collaboration with Rai Tre, the trips with European tourists, conferences and rehabilitation projects.
Tract Francigena on which the organization operates is from San Miniato Siena

•Etruria Trekking - San Miniato
We participated in the vigil Francigene, the National Day of the Walk Francigene 03/05/2009 and initiatives in collaboration with the City of Fucecchio.

•Fraternal Mercy - San Miniato
The fraternity, since 2000, offers hospitality to pilgrims passing through on ViaFrancigena, by providing a room with heating and air conditioning with four beds and attached toilet with shower and hot water. In case of necessity can accommodate up to twelve people in a more local level, adjacent to the first, which also has a heating and air conditioning and attached toilet with shower and hot water. In this second room there are only a mattress on the floor. Since 2000 has been given hospitality to 1486 pilgrims. Tract Francigena on which the organization operates is from Altopascio in Gambassi Terme

The original purpose was to provide information on the various roads to Santiago de Compostela. Subsequently, the site will be open to information about the paths to Rome. Soon it will be for the roads to Jerusalem and other paths and pilgrimages in Italy. Other activities of the site is to provide a space to accommodate contributions written by pilgrims (diaries, testimonies, prayers, poems)

Lazio stretch

Association Altair - Rome
Trekking along stretches of the road in Tuscany and Lazio

Association Ing Cecchini - Proceno
Concerts and cultural

Association Points of View - Bolsena (VT)
The intersection of roads to Rome-Viterbo and Orvieto, the Convent of St. Maria del Giglio, operational headquarters of the Association, seems to have been, since its founding in the seventeenth century a great place to stop for the pilgrims of Francigena

Association Thesan - Viterbo
Cleaning and marking the route, from Montefiascone and Viterbo, from Viterbo to Vetralla and Viterbo Ronciglione. Information and assistance to pilgrims in transit who request them. As of August 2009 two cots available free of charge, with use of bathroom and shower for any meals pellegrini.Per requesting a quote libera.Percorsa several times in the stretch between Via Acquapendente / Orvieto and Rome.

Variations and alternative routes

Friends of St. Columban - Bobbio (PC)
For several years the association has been engaged in discovery and exploitation of the Way of the Abbots, an ancient route linking the Langobardia and Tuscia, sponsored by the Lombard rulers at the dawn of the VF. L 'journey was a milestone in the abbey of Bobbio, where the tomb of St. Columban was a place of international pilgrimage, especially for travelers coming from the British Isles and to Rome. This historic route has continued to be used as long as a variant of the Via Franci Cartagena Montana for the crossing of the Apennines, not only by pilgrims but also by the Abbot of Bobbio way to Rome, where the abbey directly depended. For his promotion is being held to an international conference, followed by several publications, has been marked all the path, were sponsored many school trips and group etc..

Association Amporium - Lamporo (VC)
Event Lamporo on the VF. Ultreya "2007, 2008. Event Lamporo walks Party ", 2009. Publication of the book "on Lamporo ViaFrancigena. Releases territory: towards Vercelli, Lucedio, San Genuario, Rocca di Savoia Verrua, Roppolo and CellaGrande, Bose, Santhià, Livorno Ferraris. See website

Association Pietra Verde
Meetings, tours along the stretches of the Via Francigena

Association Pietra Verde - Brignano F.ta (AL)
Meetings, tours along the stretches of the Via Francigena

The Roads Francigene in the South

Caving Trekking Salento - Lecce
Go ahead, even short routes aimed at understanding the reality of local religious traditions but which remain confined to Salento. PILGRIMAGE from Brindisi to Lecce to Santa Maria di Leuca, de finibus terrae. 88 km in 4 stages of spring. Study of the route, identifying the Mansi and places of rest and observation of votive chapels and cultural. Route annually from 2004 to 2009 to the first shrine of Europe and the world to Marian devotion through the territories of over 23 municipalities Salento. Advertising via the Internet and printing and publication of our volume-document "The Way of the Pilgrim." Among our positive results indicate our extensive and persistent search for fragments of the eighteenth century ERMA ANCIENT we did, placed in its ancient site, just 1 km from Leuca . We want them to become religious symbol.